Monday, October 23, 2006

If You Build It...

Temperature at departure = 34° F (1° C)

I saw Katie's school's - October student news magazine on the floor this weekend and picked it up. The magazine was turned to a pretty funny ad that Peter and his buddies took out. I flipped back a page and there was an article dealing with a conversation that Katie and I had back in September. Turns out there are no bike racks at the high school; hasn't been a rack there since 1987 when the existing one was taken out by a car.

Interesting quote from the principal that I'm sure is a little out of context. The clip must have been part of a much longer statement; but I found it odd. To paraphrase: we haven't rebuilt the rack because no one uses it.

Um, yeah. Put another way, wouldn't that be 'no one uses the rack we didn't build'? I'm pretty sure no one used the library or football stadium before they were built. Anyway, tough call. I think he might have been trying to say (or actually said, but it didn't make it to the article) either:
a) there weren't that many people riding their bikes to school in 1987. Or...
b) there aren't many people riding their bikes and chaining them to the trees out front now. Or...
c) no one has been asking for a bike rack.

19 years is a long time for the comparison and, I believe they'd see more people riding their bikes to school if it appeared to be supported. Parking a car costs $60 a year and the traffic before and after school is very congested. Since the Overland Park bike trail runs right next to the school (which wasn't the case 19 years ago) I'd like to see them give it a try.

1 comment:

Yokota Fritz said...

You know I'm big into promoting cycling, but, yeah, most high schoolers are much more interested in driving. Some folks in Vancounver did some research on the subject of teens who bike to school; even in cycle-friendly Vancouver, though, only a handful of driving-age teens ride their bikes to school.