Temperature at departure = 33° F ( 1° C)
By the way, tip of the hat to Jill at http://arcticglass.blogspot.com/ for the idea for noting the temperature when I leave for my ride. She's up in Alaska and braver than I.
Well, I made it home. Actually, if traffic got scary, I just moved off the road and waited until it cleared out. The parts of the commute home in the dark that were unnerving were the times I hopped on the Overland Park Bike Trail. The path is 8 feet (2.5 meters) wide and goes through the woods; my headlight did a fair job of illuminating a spot directly in front of my handle bars but I kind of felt like I was in M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village" - or - "The Blair Witch Project." It turned out to be a bit of excitement on what was becoming a routine ride home.
Lessons learned:
1) Slow Down - especially when I'm on a dark, wooded path. I actually found myself off the path and riding in the grass at one point where the leaves confused me a bit.
2) When I get to the previously mentioned Bridge of Death -- REALLY Slow Down. The picture is the bridge in the daylight -- just under 4 feet wide with the railing at the same height as my handle bars which are 2' 2" wide.
3) On leaves, Really REALLY Slow Down.