Thursday, October 05, 2006

Weird Wildlife

Normally, I've been seeing around 2 to 6 deer per trip to and from the office -- until the last couple of weeks. They're gone. Sure, I know, the seasons are changing; but this is normally the time of year when you see more deer around dusk -- and that is when I'm riding home.

Next, I usually encounter about 2 chipmunks and more squirrels than I can count. This morning I saw 6 squirrels but more chipmunks than I could count. Chipmunks everywhere. At one point, coming through Corporate Woods past one of the bigger buildings there was a chipmunk standing on top of the curb every 10 yards. Five of them, one right after another, and they all made a high pitched squeal of some sort when I went by. Very, very strange.

Oh, and then there were the 2 woodchucks (groundhogs). Haven't seen one since July and today I almost ran over two. At least I didn't run into the bobcat today.

Couple other quick notes:
My two youngest said that there were more bikes in the bike rack yesterday than they normally see. I'm hoping the word about International Walk to School Day got around.

On my way home, busiest intersection (that's the one in the picture) and I'm at the front of the line waiting for the light. My light turns green and I zip across the intersection moving to the right to get out of the way of the cars behind me. After I make it across, the car that had been directly behind me tooted the horn. I noticed that it was a gal from our church; so, I guess there are three possible explanations: she either recognized me and was saying "hello," she doesn't like bikes on the streets or she appreciates toned calf muscles... I guess I'll be able to rule out one option Sunday by seeing if she mentions, or doesn't mention seeing me...


Yokota Fritz said...

She probably honked because she knows you but doesn't realize how much the little honk might startle you.

Warren T said...

Yep, turns out she asked me at church if I was riding my bike to work. Jury is still out on the calf muscle thing...

Yokota Fritz said...

1 Corinthian 13:7 in action: Love believes the best in others. :-)