Wednesday, May 09, 2007

You Have To Know These Things

Temperature at departure = 64° F (18° C)

Last night was the last high school band concert of the year. The Freshman, Concert and Symphonic bands all did a wonderful job and the guest soloist, Dr. J.D. Parr from Baker University, was amazing on clarinet. We may get in a short 5th grade band concert this afternoon and then the last middle school band concert is next week. I can't believe we're this close to the end of the school year. Let's see ... how many days is it until August 16th?

Had to chase another couple off the little bridge that is close to the end of my ride. As you can see above, it's not very wide, but the thing seems to be a very popular stop for couples out on a walk in the Spring and Fall. I'm still test riding the Mendota so I didn't have a bell to ding at them this morning. I had to politely stop and say "I'm sorry" to get them to move off the bridge to let them pass. As always, I was ready to say "An African or European swallow?" It didn't come to that this morning...

1 comment:

amidnightrider said...

The weekend in NYC wiped me out. The best day of the year, 80 degrees,and I couln't get out of bed this AM.

I'm rested and roaring to go for bike week/month. Giddy yap.