Friday, July 03, 2009

Gearing up

...for the Tour de France. I'm hoping I can get at least one of my kids to buy into watching it with me. Curtis did two years ago and I enjoyed our bike rides during that time when he'd claim to be his favorite rider.

I jumped the gun and rode a couple miles to the grocery store yesterday and paid for it with some serious foot pain the rest of the day.

I guess I'll have to rest up a couple more days before I try again. Bummer. I've got to get into shape for Noah's Midnight Ride. (I still wish he'd call it the Anti- or Un-Lenexa Midnight Bike Ride...

Enjoy the 4th and stay safe.


Noah said...

I originally called it the Un-Lenexa Midnight Ride. I'm trying to be a little less curmudgeonly, sarcastic and cynical in my life, though. I don't think it's working too well.

twilight shirts said...

keep trying buddy. hope success is not far away from you.