Friday, August 29, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present ... Hogie!

Temperature at departure = 68° F (20° C)

A few weeks back, my wife and I attended her X year high school reunion. She found out about it just a few days before the event, but the website prompted me to try to find my best bud from college again. Finally, Hogie got himself set up on Facebook. We haven't had a chance to chat for a while and now have gotten to do the e-mail/IM thing a bit. He seems to be doing well (but how he made the jump from TV to ad agency to banker is a story I want to hear when we've got some more time).

I was happy to see that he's into cycling too! In fact, he's just made the leap to bike commuter. Please check out his blog as he chronicles the new commuting adventure.

I took a different route to work today and met 6 kids on bikes on their way to school. They were having a blast. I can tell that they're headed to my kid's former elementary school and it looks like they're sticking to the sidewalks. They'll meet up with Kurt and he'll make sure they are safely across 103rd and on their way. Cool!


David Hogeboom said...

Aw, shucks.

Thanks for the inspiration! Been wanting to do the commute for a while and you helped push me over the edge. Now if only Mecklenberg Co. NC would actually implement a comprehensive bike plan ...

Arleigh Jenkins said...

Yeh for more commuters in Charlotte!