Friday, August 08, 2008

Good Morning To You

Temperature at departure = 67° F (19° C)

What an absolutely gorgeous morning.  I'm not the kind of guy that spontaneously bursts into song, but here's how I felt during this morning's commute by bike in Overland Park.

To the driver of the white pickup that tried to pass me at the last moment and was left hung out to dry in the left turn lane at 103rd and Lamar: I understand that you probably don't expect cyclists to be riding at or slightly above the posted speed limit and you probably thought you could duck around me and not have to be stuck at the red light behind someone on a bicycle.  I would like to apologize for any inconvenience and stress this may have cau...  HAHAHAHAHAHA.  Who am I kidding?  You got served by a guy in his upper forties on a bicycle.  I ring my tiny bell in celebration.  Ding, ding.


Anonymous said...

ROFL! :-)

dvicci said...

Brilliant!! Well played, sir!

My favorite thing is when I'm taking the lane coming up on an intersection and someone drives up and straddles two lanes to be next to me. Especially when they're wanting to turn right, but I'm too far forward to let them.

Yokota Fritz said...

You're feeling saucy today, Warren.

Tom said...

I bet that felt good!

John B. said...


The Old Bag said...

great post!