Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Brain Freeze

What's the deal with every morning having the same 18° F (-8° C) temperature? Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying getting out in it, but some variety would be nice.

This morning I actually had two goals in mind when I set out on my bike:

  • Take one of the boy's forgotten-in-the-rush backpack to school.

  • Coffee -- NEED COFFEE (trip to grocery store)

  • A half mile into the ride (right in front of the frozen fountain) I noticed that my head felt colder than it should. I'd forgotten to put the wrap-around ear muffs on over the balaclava. Still, it wasn't terribly uncomfortable. As I walked into the school and, later, into the store I got a couple questioning looks but no one said anything about it being too cold to be out on a bike. Perhaps the people in the school office are just used to seeing me this way. Perhaps no one in the store wanted to talk to someone who was peeling off layers to let out some of the heat trapped within. Perhaps winter cyclists are becoming so common that no one gives them a second thought anymore. Naaaaahh.

    I got home and swapped biking layers with dog walking layers and headed out for another morning walk wherein I show my dog that I'm the pack leader and that animals are in subjection to humans.

    Here she waits patiently while I bag her waste. Wait. What!?!

    1 comment:

    David Glandon said...

    That is one aspect of the human and dog relation that can be in conflict. I mean if the dogs really thought about it they would be confused about their relationship between them and humans. On the one hand they are meant to be subjugated by their human masters but it is the masters that pick up their poop…So in their mind; who is over who? Or am I thinking way too hard on this?